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An office of blondes

We often find ourselves in confusing situations in the Indigo office, and I’m sure this stems from the natural and peroxide enhanced locks that grace the 8th floor of Bucklersbury House daily! Lainey announced today that she ate between 50 and 60 tomatoes last night in one sitting. She then claimed this was the reason for her lack of sleep last night and dizziness today!

We do seem to have an above average amount of ‘blonde moments’. I’ll be sure to keep a note of any for your amusement purposes. Some classics include:

I dont like to walk on pavements, i generally walk in the middle of the road.

I have only used a washing machine once

The plant next to me is talking (this went on for a few weeks, only to found out it was the lift noise through the wall)

Even Alex has his blonde moments…. “Theres a lot of Pauls in this industry, Paul X, Paul Y and Steve”

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