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Flash your Cash in an Old T-Shirt

Ever thought about what might have happened to that old t-shirt you threw away many moons ago, that one you never wanted anyone to find out you ever had, or that novelty tee that someone bought for you as a joke and you were forced to wear a few times? Do you sometimes lie awake at night feeling slightly guilty for shiftily slipping it in the trash, and wonder if it ended up in T-Shirt heaven? Well it could have got through those pearly gates if Shirley Geek got their hands on it. This London based studio-design company have brought out a range of purses made from discontinued t-shirts, offering salvation for those unloved garments and reinventing them into stylish new accessories with a range of printed designs inspired by childhood nostalgia, vintage boudoir glamour and 50’s Americana. From cuckoo clocks and bubble cars to robots and Russian dolls, the designs are bright and accented with surprise beads, ribbons and buttons. They fill you with warmth and optimism, making the world look like a really really lovely place …which is something you need to be reminded of when you get your purse out at the moment – did I hear someone say crunch again…or is that just my cereal?

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