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Music, Design and some rather lovely T-shirts

I love an alter ego. All of the most interesting people have double identities – take Marilyn Manson – contemporary American alternative metal musician who composed his stage name by combining the first name of glamorous actress Marilyn Monroe (bit girly?) and the surname of….erm….convicted murderer Charles Mason. But in reality he’s no one more than Brian Hugh Warner, and knowing this makes him a lot less scary.

Already lot cooler than Brian, Scott Hansen outdoes the double identity by adding a third alias to his persona, is there anything the man cannot do? This San Francisco based musician (known as Tycho) and designer (ISO50) is achingly cool, as can only be expected of someone who can pull together three identities. His designs are composed of blocks of colour effortlessly shaped into meaning. With seemingly endless bending lines and distortions, ISO50 redefines familiar iconography with new visual perspectives, and what’s more he’s unafraid of colour. How can you make four numbers super-stylish? Have a look at the ISO50 1976 shirt as a prime example. And if you’d like an ISO50ian representation of your favourite city take a peek at this London shirt.

Just don’t get him confused with another Scott Hansen (slightly overweight stand up American comedian) whose nose you must scratch in order to enter his website. That would be a doubling of identity too far.

Numbers have never looked so good

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