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Understand your clients when picking sizes

Image Source: Creating Passionate Users

Kathy Sierra, over at the Creating Passionate Users blog, makes an excellent point which anyone buying t-shirts for an event should take notice of. In fact, if you don’t have time to read her post just check out her picture above which, as the platitude goes, speaks a thousand words. The fact is there are so many items of apparel, tailored for any shape and size, buyers can be more intelligent than simply ordering 2500 XL t-shirts. When ordering for you event make sure you cater for women and men of both small and large builds. As Kathy’s post make abundantly clear, it will make the receiver of the freebie feel cared for. [via and via]

With the prices for promotional ladies classic tees (e.g. Stedman Ladies or Continental Ladies) now almost on a par with mens promotional t-shirts, factoring in different styles will not greatly increase the total bill and in the long run will probably result in a better Return-On-Investment (ROI) as the staff wearing the tees will look and feel more professional and the customers getting the free t-shirts feel more valued. If you need help picking size ratios feel free to ask one of our team – we handle these product everyday, we often wear them (especially when cold in the office like it is today – we are all layered up with the samples from the ‘sweatshirt’ shelf!) and so we genuinely can help you out.

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