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Posh Suits You

It’s time to have a thorough cleanse of any residual laid-back-summer-festival scum. Yes that means wash and comb your hair, use soap, cut off those greying Glastonbury wristbands and have a good scrub because it’s time to get posh. The big-screen remake of Evelyn Waugh’s novel ‘Brideshead Revisited’ has inspired fashion designers to bring out the toffs…and I don’t mean the Werther’s Originals. This is crisp and precise, it’s only creased in the places where there are intentional pleats, it’s buttoned and hooked, polished to perfection and all topped off with a bounce of floppy hair. Men, it’s for you.

It makes me a bit sad to think that in our modern age the 1920’s trend won’t necessarily mean that men will start using words like “spiffing”and “raaather”, but this look is still one of my favourites. Have a look at YSL’s take on the twenties country house style for inspiration, and you’ll just have to agree that this was the way men were designed to be clothed. The Autumn 08 1920’s male looks like he smells of a high quality, yet classic, men’s fragrance. He oozes with unpretentious intellect, his demeanour suggests that he is well versed in Shakespeare’s lesser known sonnets and could speak fluent Latin if need be. He is timeless and goes to Jazz Clubs. He may even play the Saxophone on the sly.

YSL Autumn 08

If you’re worried that you’re just not posh enough to carry this off there are many online quizzes where you can find out just how posh you are. And if you come out as being totally toff, then one could always treat oneself to a pair of silk pyjamas, although I’d really want to advise you against it. They could very well be the height of comfort, but spend the hefty sleepwear sum of £69.99 on some caviar instead.
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